Now that you’ve found reliable sources related to your research theme, it is time to select, take note and structure the important information to use in an ethical way, which means respecting the author’s rights. 

We will use sticky notes to write down key ideas in this online course. A sticky note is small, so we need to be concise! 

Use various colours in sticky notes to organize the selected information by type (part of the text, question answered, who will say it, etc.) depending on how you structured the research and your learning intention.

Do you want to know how to work on note taking with students?  Have a look at this video: 
Taking Notes for Research in Elementary School 

Length: 4:59


In the next modules, you will see how to use the selected information to prepare your podcast as well as different digital tools that could be used to produce it. This explains why we will focus on how to take notes in this one.

Modifié le: mardi, 23 août 2022, 15:30