6.1 Publishing Netiquette
Completion requirements
For a quality product to be published, you need to take the time to provide feedback and adjust throughout the process. This module also introduces the BaladoWeb platform. Before students publish their podcasts, you need to ensure that the podcast meets certain standards.
6.1.1 Rules and Responsibilities
When publishing digital content, it is essential to consider copyright and privacy issues in terms of personal information;
- Images, sound bites and quotes respect copyrights. If required, permissions should be included in the podcast description.
- Content respects the rights and integrity of the individual (no racist, sexist, abusive language, etc.)
- Content does not disclose personal information (full name, phone number, address, etc.)
6.1.2 Quality of the Content
For a quality product to be published, time must be taken to provide feedback and adjust throughout the process;
- The content of the podcast allows us to quickly identify the topic.
- The content takes the audience into account.
- The content of the podcast is accessible and respects the quality of the language.
- The quality of the audio is adequate: well-balanced voice and sound, no interference, constant volume, etc.
Publishing Norms on the BaladoWeb Platform
Criteria for posting a podcast (Google docs or Word, PDF)
Last modified: Tuesday, 23 August 2022, 10:54 AM