[Music] Hello everyone, today I will show you how to use Digistorm to create an interactive quiz for peers. Digistorm is one of the many tools offered by La Digitale, a collection of free open-source resources for education. So first of all, you will go to Ldigitale.org to see all the different tools and resources made available for you. If you scroll down, you will find Digistorm, the tool that we will use to create our quiz. So I will click on "use". What I want to do right now is to create a quiz. Later on, when students want to participate, they can click on "participate". So I'll click on "create". My quiz will be called "Dolphins". It will be a quiz, but you see that there are different options that can be used. So this is the code I will give the participant. So we'll look at that later on. So the description for my quiz, I will not write anything for now. Here I can decide that the students will do my quiz on their own or I could decide to animate the quiz. This one they can do on their own. I can decide whether they write their names or not, if I write the right answers or not. So you have different options here. So, my favorite questions are: Are dolphins red? So I have "yes" and "no" as an answer. The right answer is no. I will add a question. Question two: Can dolphins fly? Yes or no. Till now. Here, I could go with multiple answers or a short text. So I'll leave it like that. You can do as many questions as you like. I'll save my quiz. And now I can decide to play my quiz. I will copy this link. There you go. I see all the answers. So if I go to La Digitale again, if I want to play, I go to the form use. And now I click on "participate". And I will cut. Oh, I didn't have to. Yeah, there you go, the link to my quiz. Are dolphins red? I'll click on "yes" although I know it's not the right answer. Oh, it was no. Next question: Can dolphins fly? No. Send the quiz. So I have 1000 points out of 2000 points. And if I go back here, I can see that participant number one, the number of points that they had. So I hope this was useful for you today. Thank you.