On this page, you will listen to a second podcast in order to identify its text features and write them in a grid. After completing this analysis, we will invite you to compare your notes with the document “Text Features of An Informative Podcast”. 

Instruction : Listen to a second podcast from the suggested list below. Answer the questions in the grid to identify the text features of a podcast. 

Modality : Individual work


This activity is essential to detect key elements of a podcast. It’s a must in the learning process! It is recommended to listen to more than one podcast to explore the diversity of the genre. 

Proposed podcasts

  1. Listen to one of the suggested podcasts.
  2.  Answer the questions  (Google docsWord or PDF) regarding the podcasts’ text features.
  3. Consult the document Text Features of An Informative Podcast (Google docsWord or PDF). Compare this grid to your analysis. 


There are quite a few text features that may not be accessible to all students. We strongly suggest you select the ones you will present and teach your students. 

Modifié le: lundi, 14 août 2023, 10:39