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Image source: Quizlet

Quizlet allows you to create study tools such as interactive flashcards, tests, and study games. Create a set of flashcards from scratch or find a set of flashcards already created by other users and modify them according to your need. Share them with your students with a simple link or by inviting them in a class on Quizlet.

Before Using This Tool

Students must be older than 13 years old to create an account. Parental consent is required for students under 13 years old.  

Quizlet can be used on any device. The paid version is not necessary for our teaching intentions.

Make sure you respect copyrights when uploading pictures or texts.  

1. Explore

Explore an example of a set of flashcards created in Quizlet. You might need to create an account to discover all the features. 

The Quizlet team is always improving the features that are offered. It is now possible to use AI powered features to create flashcards and help students study. Watch this video to learn more.

2. Watch a Video

Watch a video (2 min 58 s) of a teacher and students in action.

This video was created in the USA. Your focus should be on observing the type of activities that can be done in class with students and how they react to using the tool. 

3. Read Information

Read about Quizlet. Some features presented in these articles might not be available anymore. The focus should be put on the pedagogical ideas for the classroom. 

 4. Take Notes

Earn a Badge

If you wish to earn a badge for this module, you only need to write down the names and a short description of each of the 4 tools you have explored in this module. 

Modifié le: lundi, 20 novembre 2023, 11:39